Umbukiso: automechanikadubai 2024
Ikheli: Isikhungo se-Dubai International Convention and Exhibition, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Usuku: Disemba 10 - 12th, 2024
I-Bulbtek Booth No: Z2-C21
Sinamamodeli amaningi anekhwalithi ephezulu, elinde ukufika kwakho.
Yini ezokhonjiswa embukisweni?
I-1.Igh Power ihole amakhanda ekhanda kanye nama-headlight ama-headlight amancane,
I-3. I-LED Signal bulbs (ijika, ibuyele emuva, i-braking, i-dome, ilayisense, i-festion, njll.),
4. I-Auto & Isithuthuthu i-LED Spot Spot amalambu asizayo.
Izici eziphawuleka:
I-1.Igh Power ihole amakhanda ekhanda kanye nama-headlight ama-headlight amancane:
I-HP11: I-WATT & 9000 lumen uzinzile / i-PC, nge fan ukupholisa fan + 2 * Amapayipi ethusi,
I-HP10: 86 Watt & 7000 lumen uzinzile / i-PC, nge-fan epholile + Fin + 3 * Amapayipi ethusi,
I-MINI11A: 22 Watt & 2300 lumens uzinzile / unit, i-hydraulic fan, ubuchwepheshe bokuhlukaniswa kwe-thermal bahola i-chip,
Ama-mini6s: Ama-Watt angama-25 & 2200 ama-lumens aqinile / uphiko, fan we-turbo, i-PCB yeqiniso enamacala amabili, i-super canbus.
Mini9: 38watt &3800lumen uzinzile / pc, nge-PCB enama-Double PCB kuphela i-1mm mncane. projektha lens (2.0 inch /3.0 inch, nge & ngaphandle kokuguqulwa komonakalo):
I-2.0 inch & 3.0 inch bied lens, njll, ngekhwalithi enhle kakhulu,
I-2.0 inch & 3.0 inch fog usage, inombala owodwa nemibala emithathu / emithathu,
Ugongolo olwenziwe ngokwezifiso 4300k ulamula ophuzi ngokuzithandela,
I-Mini H4 LED Projector Lens ibanzi, iphethini elikhanyayo futhi elikhanyayo.
3. I-Auto & Isithuthuthu i-LED Spot Spot Izibani Zisizayo:
2.5 Inch S5: Sebenzisa iloli le-12V & 24V, ugongolo oluphansi lubonisa i-projektha kanye nogongolo oluphezulu luyindawo eqondile,
3.0 inch R5: Ugongolo oluphansi (khombisa i-projektha) + ugongolo oluphakeme),
3.5 Inch S6: Ugongolo oluphansi (khombisa i-projektha) + ugongolo oluphakeme (i-Direct Gold (unxande) + mhlophe (indawo)),
I-5.0 inch S9: iguqula ukukhanya no-8 imibala isikhathi sasemini esikhanyayo, iphethini ekhanyayo yogongolo ophansi & khona nogongolo oluphezulu nalo lukhanya impela,
I-S12, S13, S14: 1 Iso & 2 Amehlo & 3 Amehlo aholele e-Multi-Fun-Funk
I-4. I-LED Signal bulbs (ijika, ibuyele emuva, i-braking, i-dome, ilayisense, i-festion, njll.):
I-fan epholisa i-Big Power Series, ayikho inkinga ye-hyper flash canbus. I-COPP PCB, i-Silent Fan, isitebekile samanje, akukho ukwehla kwamanje okujulile,
I-Fanless Ayikho i-OCEAN CEChungechunge, ayikho inkinga ye-hyper flash canbus,
Uchungechunge lweFardon, olune-High-End Design Design.t15 linokubukeka okulandelwayo nokulingana, ukukhanyisela okugqamile.
BULBTEK has been concentrating on led headlight bulbs, led projector lens and auto parts for more than 10 years .We own models all with superior quality, we can select the most suitable products for your market. Sikumema ngobuqotho edokodweni yethu embukisweni, ubheke phambili kumathuba okusebenzisana nawe emicimbini ezayo.
Sizodunyiswa uma ungasijoyina embukisweni, ungachofoza lapha ukuxhumana nathi ngokuthuthukile.
Iwebhusayithi yeBulbtek:
Amavidiyo amaningi nezithombe ku-Facebook yethu, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube neTiktok.
Isikhathi Sokuthumela: Dec-07-2024