[Umkhiqizo] g11f-H11 ungene esikhundleni seToyota COROLLA 2014
Today we replaced the defective G11F-H11 LED headlight bulb for one TOYOTA Corolla 2014 version. We installed our G11F-H11 LED headlight on this car on December 22nd, 2018, it's almost 3 years. Actually if the LED headlight bulbs work more than 1 year, it's good quality already. ...Funda kabanzi -
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[I-ALIBABA] I-Alibaba Livestrea ngesikhathi se-Alibaba Super Septhemba Competition
Ngomhlaka 10 Septhemba, saba nombukiso obukhoma ngomhlaka 1: 00-3: 00 AM. First preparation: setting the background, debugging bulbs, testing sounds and network signal. Jenny assisted: monitoring live broadcasts and handling online Trade manager consultations. During the first half live, Johnson and Lann...Funda kabanzi -
[I-ALIBABA] I-Alibaba Super Septhemba Ukuncintisana - Ukugqekeza iqanda legolide ngokuthola umgomo othile
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[Uhambo] I-Double Moon Bay ye-Huizhou
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- NgoJulayi 26, saqala okokuqala kwethu bukhoma e-Alibaba. During this live, we mainly introduced the details and installing methods of our X9 and X8 LED headlight bulbs. At the beginning, we firstly introduced the details of X9 LED Headlight bulb: 1.Excellent illumination: Small size (30mm d...Funda kabanzi
- Uyemukelwa ukuvakashela inkampani ye-BT-Auto Lighting Company, sikhethekile e-Auto LED Headlight, i-Auto LED Bulb, nemikhiqizo efihliwe iminyaka. Namuhla thina BT-Auto Team sathatha amavidiyo athile ochwepheshe ngeCar 9007 / HB5 LED Headlight Bulb Ukufakwa. I-9007 / hb5 bulb imvamisa isetshenziswa kwimikhiqizo yemoto: Ford, NI ...Funda kabanzi
[Umkhiqizo] Kungani ukhetha i-BT-auto x9 eholwa ukukhanya kwekhanda?
BT-AUTO(Bulletek) is one of the leading auto LED headlight manufacturers in China, we are professionally engaged in auto LED headlight bulbs, car LED bulbs, HID xenon for 12 years. Sinikezela ngemikhiqizo nezinsizakalo ezengeziwe ezenziwe nge-OEM + ODM. Abalingani abahlukile bamukelekile. Why choose BT-AUTO X9 ...Funda kabanzi -
[Umsebenzi] Izintaba ezikhuphukayo entabeni yeHuadu Furong.
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[Tour] Julong Bay Natural Hot Hot Spring Resort
Umndeni we-BT wahlela umsebenzi ngengqikithi yokuzilibazisa nokuzijabulisa ngempelasonto edlule. We drove from the company to the Country Garden Qingyuan City in Fogang, Foshan. The scenery here is beautiful and it is a good place for leisure and vacation. The villa has a swimming pool, KTV, billiards...Funda kabanzi -
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